Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for My Booking Calendar App

Last updated: Oct 16, 2023

Welcome to My Booking Calendar App. We value your trust and are committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines the type of information we collect, how we use it, and the measures we take to keep it secure.

Information We Collect

  1. Personal Information:
    When you register for My Booking Calendar App, we may ask for your phone number.
  2. External Calendars:
    In order to import reservations to My Booking Calendar App we ask users for the shared URLs from Airbnb, Vrbo or others iCal format. We do not store or access reservation days in any way, reservation dates are downloaded only from your phone. We only store in our cloud dabatase the calendar URL.
  3. Device Information:
    We may collect data about the device you use to access our app, including its model, operating system, and unique device identifiers.

How We Use Your Information

  1. Personal Information:
    To register as a user and identify multiple sessions where you can be logged.
  2. External Calendars:
    To show the reservation days in a calendar.
  3. Research and Analysis:
    To analyze user behavior to improve our app and offerings.

Information Sharing

We do not offer in any way your personal information to third parties.

Cookies and Trackers

My Booking Calendar App may use cookies and other tracking technologies to enhance user experience and analyze app performance.

Data Security

We implement robust security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access, alteration, or deletion.

User Rights

You have the right to access, modify, or delete your personal data at any time. To do so, you can use the App or contacting us.

Updates to This Policy

We may occasionally update this Privacy Policy. We'll notify you of any significant changes and always display the most recent version here.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please reach out to us at

© 2024 My Booking Calendar by Intermaple Inc.